What I know about Cordelia "Delia" Lane is as follows...
Born: Aug 1873 in Hadley, Lapeer County, MI
Parents: Isaac Lane & Elsie Cobb
1880 living with parents in Elba, Lapeer County, MI
1900 living with husband John Lash in Juanita Township, Tuscola County, MI
1910 living with husband John Lash in Juanita Township, Tuscola County, MI
Children: Lyman J., L. D. "Dee", Freddie, Edward C., Roy "Ray"
Death: Sometime between 1910 and 1918. (When son's Lyman, L. D. "Dee", & Edward entered the service in 1917 there was no mention of her. Then later, when Dee died on 20 Jul 1918, in his Military File it states that his father, John, is a widow.)